Thursday 24 January 2013

我的姓氏 - 沈

沈姓在百家姓中排第14。其读音因不同的来源而有别,分别为“审”音和“真”音。读“审”音的沈姓,是黄帝的后代。《姓纂》上说:“周文王 第十子晡季食采于沈,因氏焉。今汝南、平舆、沈亭,即沈子国也。”读“真”音的沈,是颛顼帝的后代。《姓氏考略》上说:“《左传》沈姒蓐黄注,四国,台骀 之后,系出金天氏。又,楚有沈尹氏,沈诸梁,并公族,以封于沈鹿得姓,则系芈姓,非一族,直深切者,为实沈之后,与音审者不同。”



Sunday 20 January 2013

马来西亚的交通 (Malaysia’s Traffic)


每逢过年过节回家乡的时候,总是会遇到严重堵塞的问题。在普通的日子原本只需要三个半小时的车程,在节日却需要用到八个小时左右,有时甚至可以去到十个小时呢!!!你们说夸张不?其实有时真的觉得好奇怪,明明是堵车的,可是去到某个地点却可以行驶得非常的通畅,左右看顾却没有发觉有什么异状,比如说车祸、车坏、土崩等等的问题。它就是要塞你一大段,然后给你一小段 的通畅,跟着再来塞 。。。噢~这样的情况到底要在何时才会改善呢?




希望各位道路使用者可以安分守己的 、规规矩矩的使用交通工具和驾驶态度,那么我相信交通道路可以变得更美好更安全。

Malaysia’s traffics just like the weather in Malaysia; you can predict it, but you will always get confusing and just don’t understand why it can be so jammed. This is due to inadequate of traffic planning and motorist driving attitude.

Every festive season, I believe a lot of Malaysians (or even tourist) will face serious traffic jammed. Ordinary, I take about three and a half hours to reach my hometown, from KL to Perak, but during festive season, its take me about eight hours and sometimes up to ten hours to reach!!!  Unbelievable, right???  Sometimes I curious that obviously there is a heavy traffic jam on that spot, but when you reach to another spot that further a bit, you will have very smooth traffic. Normally if these situations happen, there should have some reason, for example: accident, car broke down, landslide & etc. But I find nothing abnormal happened. It’s just get stuck for no reason. Some time, you will come to a very heavy traffic jam, after that, you will have a little bit smooth, and then facing the same heavy traffic again. I just wonder this situation will it be improve in future when come to festive seasons?

Furthermore, traffic lights are one of the major problems that cause traffic jammed as well. Sometimes I encounter that when traffic lights malfunction, I thought it would be happen heavy jammed, but I can reach office earlier than usual. Strange, right?

Motorist attitude and civic minded also play very important rules on traffic.  Everyone is rushing to get to working place and to going back home. Why they can’t obey the traffic rules and drive on their correct lane and keep on overtake others on left & right? Such irresponsible attitude may cause an accident happen.
Lastly, digging and road paving for no reason, landscaping on normal office/working hours which should done in the middle of the night also cause traffic problems.

I really wish those road users can be more rational manner whenever they are on the road, then, I believe that the traffic can become better and safer.

Wednesday 16 January 2013

童年的回忆 (Childhood memories)


历史上的第一座滑梯,是在一九九二年位于英国诺咸顿郡(Kettering, Northamptonshire)的域时田公园(Wicksteed Park) 由域时田(Charles Wicksteed)所制造的 ,当年的 物质并不丰富,所以只是用木板制成的。


滑梯是属于综合型运动器械,儿童只有通过攀爬才能进行滑梯活动。当他们攀登上了平台,然后坐下,双脚放平和伸直,沿着滑板下滑。这个运动可以培养他们坚定的意志 和信心,也可以培养他们勇敢的精神。当他们“嗖”一声滑下去的时候,他们能享受到成功的喜悦。
我很感谢我的父母在我们六个兄弟姐妹还小的时候带我们去玩。当年的玩意儿可没有现代的那么高科技,那么 的时代感,所玩的都是和 天然的有关。像去植物园、湖边戏水、自备野餐、海滩等等的。反观现代的父母,多数都带到去的游乐场、电动场、游泳池、血拼、麦记等等。


Nowadays, our children live in very good and prosperity environment. Look at the slides as per first photo attached; the slides that they play are made by plastic. I wonder that they ever seen such a slides that shown in second photo.

The first slide was invented by Charles Wicksteed in year 1922 and it’s made of wooden plank. It was installed in Wicksteed Park in Kettering, Northamptonshire, UK.

Slides are divided into 3 sections, which are Climbs to the top of the slide by stairs or ladder, sit down on the platform and slides down the slide. A modern slide usually constructed of metal or plastic and the most important is they have a smooth surface.

To play slides, children must climbs to the top of the slide via stairs to reach the platform, then sit down and “Slides” down the slide. This activity can train them to be firm and confidence, when they “Slides” down, they can enjoy the joyful.

I am very grateful and thanks to my parents, they always took six of us venture around with natural and giving us a lot of unforgettable childhood memories…
Mom, dad, thanks a lot!!! 

Thursday 10 January 2013

早晨最大的挑战 (The Biggest Challenges In The Morning)

不知道各位身为人父人母的会不会遇到好像我夫妻俩遇到的问题 – 就是叫小宝贝起床了。


这个经验让我本身觉得非常的苦恼,因为下个星期我的太太会出国旅行兼工干,除了要把宝贝给叫醒,我还得和他冲凉、准备奶再载送他到幼儿园去。我还真怀疑我是否可以顺顺利利的准时到达办公室,还是会迟到 超过二十分钟呢?


I am not sure that those who have children do encounter the problems same as I faced during every morning – which is to wake up the Little Baby.

Every morning, I and my wife have to fight with our son to wake up him and sometimes we even need to use rattan. However, we know that by using rattan is not the correct and best way to wake up our lovely son. I was thinking to let him continue his sleep and forget about sending him to nursery, but both my-self and my wife have to go to work and we can’t leave him alone at house and
we have to continue wake him up. When everything is ready, I already missed the great time and caught in heavy traffic jam, by the time I arrive at the office, it will be 10 to 20 minutes late!

This experience made me feel very upset, because next week my wife will travel to over sea for her vacation cum visit client’s factory, I really doubt whether I can do all these such as wake up him, shower him, prepare milk for him and send him to kindergarten.

Are there any good ways to easily wake-up our children? Can share with us?

Wednesday 2 January 2013

新的一年 (Year 2013)


新的一年新的展望。。。很多人会回顾过去来做个总结;会展望未来而做了很多的计划。我呢也不列外,去年换了一个新的工作环境 (薪资当然有一点点地调整,只是一点点噢!!!)、带了儿子和老婆去了香港、星加坡、柔佛等游玩。当然还很多咯~~~也不在这里例完出来。。。

而在新的二零一三年。。。 我期望可以有多一点的时间陪陪老爸和老妈;毕竟他们年纪也大了,我可不想在以后才来后悔没有和他们在一起多一点。希望六月的沙巴之旅老爸的健康会没有问题了,倒是将会是另一个和爸妈出游的经历~~~


跟着就是 期望大选快快的来到了。。。要不然大马的市场和经济不知道要慢到几时!很多商家都不敢贸贸然的投资,很多人民也不大多消费,这些都导致经济缓慢了下来!!!


On last day of year 2012, I finally created this blog account. Actually, I am wanted to start blogging for quite some times already, but I just keep on dragging and never take some action, and now I consider this is a good start for year 2013.

2013 started counting yesterday and many people like to look back and plan ahead for this 2013. And, so do I. 

In year 2012, I had bring my wife and son going to many places, such as Hong Kong, Singapore, Johor and many more, change new job and so on.

For 2013,  HOPE I can spend some time (Errr... I mean a lot of times) with my parent. They are no longer young and I just don't want my self regret in 1 day if they already not with us. I wish my father get well soon after his minor stroke so that he can follow us to Sabah on coming June 2013. Secondly, I hope my salary can be up a bit during this year, and of course if I have chance to earn some USD to spend... lol

Thirdly, I hope our election can be fix as soon as possible and get settle down. If not, our economic will keep on dropping as many investor, retailer are dare not to invest and expanding. Same goes to citizens, a lot of them are keeping their money and dare not to spend as well. All these will pull down our economic.

Last but not least, I hope every 1 stay healthy & happy....