Sunday 10 March 2013

Mattress & Pillows Cleaning



Been taken 1 hour hard work to do cleaning on my client's mattress (King Size) and 4 pcs of pillows, we can see a very clear water (under that water container, you can clearly see floor tile) turn into brownish color which we totally can't see thru. Terrible & unbelievable right!!???

For your information, the mattress is just using for 1 month, newly bought for celebrating Chinese New Year. What if the 1 that you used, never been clean for ages!!!??? I really can't imaging what will happen to the water.

That brownish water contain dust, termites, skin cells (dead skin) & termites' droppings. Just imaging, if part of these breath into your lung, your lovely children & cute babe, what will happen??? Can we do some minor operation to take them out???

Termites / Dust Mites

These creatures are microscope bugs that primarily live on dead skin cells regularly shed from humans inside our bed mattresses, pillows, furniture or carpets. They can cause allergic reactions in Asthmatics, itchy red bumps, difficulty breathing and etc.

Therefore, it's time to clean your mattress and pillows.

If you need this service (currently only available in Klang Valley), please contact or sms me at 016-218 5635


  1. what kind of machine it is for cleaning mattresses and pillows.
    Online Beds and Mattresses shop

    1. Hi Adam Smith, sorry for my late reply.

      Actually this is multi-function machine, namely "Ritello"
